Johnny Lightning


Click here to see me open my '63 Corvette White Lightning!   Or, if you prefer not to see the pictures of me opening it, click here to see some nice pictures of it loose.

For the second Saturday in a row I've found a White Lightning!:

This time it's an Austin Powers Shaguar.   Again, I found it in the middle of the afternoon, hanging on the pegs.   It was at eye level, on the front of the peg, in plain sight, as if someone put it there for me to find.   I looked over and thought "there's a Shaguar White Lightning."   This time I recognized what it was immediately.   The Shaguar looks nice with the white wheels and lettered tires.

Hope this becomes a Saturday tradition.   

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Here's the story of my 1963 Corvette White Lightning:

I was shopping Toys R Us, saw some new Corvettes that I didn't have, and looked through them.    I actually had the White Lightning in my hand, but didn't notice it was a White Lightning and PUT IT BACK ON THE PEG.    Another collector looked through the JLs after me while I looked in another area.    He went through the Corvettes and, believe it or not, he must have also missed it.    After he left I went back and once again picked up the White Lightning, trying to decide if I wanted another '63 Vette variation.    Then I noticed the rubber tires, and looked through the other Corvettes, wondering if they'd started putting real rubber on them.    I still didn't realize I was holding a White Lightning!     Finally, I read the tires.    "White Lightning!"

What a fun feeling.    I didn't even think I had a chance of finding one at TRU at that time of day.    I think this one had my name on it.    I sure like the way they're packaging the WLs now.    The people who open the cases have much less of a chance of snagging them all.    Way to go, Playing Mantis!!

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